Leukemia Bible Code matrix


What Is Leukemia?
Leukaemia comes from a Greek word meaning “white blood” and is often referred to as cancer of the blood. The term refers to a group of closely related malignant conditions affecting the immature blood-forming cells in the bone marrow.so is that certain cells in the body become abnormal. Another is that the body keeps producing large numbers  of white cells ..SymptomsThese are some of the common symptoms of leukemia:
  • Anemia      
  • Fever, c
  • Weakness and fatigue;
  • Frequent infections;
  • Loss of appetite and/or weight;
  • Swollen or tender lymph nodes, liver, or spleen;
  • Easy bleeding or bruising;
  • Tiny red spots (called petechiae) under the skin;
  • Swollen or bleeding gums;
  •  females.Sweating, especially at night; and/or
  • Bone or joint pain.


DeathsSome 21,600 persons will die from leukemia this year in the U.S; approximately 12,000 males and 9,600

Causes of Leukemia

The specific cause of leukemia is still not known. Scientists suspect that viral, genetic, environmental, or immunologic factors may be involved.

Some viruses cause leukemia in animals; but in humans, viruses cause only one rare type of leukemia. Even if a virus is involved, leukemia is not contagious. There is no increased incidence of leukemia among people (friends, family, care givers) who have close contact with leukemia patients.

There may be a genetic predisposition to leukemia. There are rare families where people born with Chromosome damage may have genes that increase their chances of developing leukemia.

Chemicals (The commonest chemical exposure linked to leukaemia is probably cigarette smokingBenzene in high concentrations is known to cause leukaemia and it is possible that other, similar organic chemicals, may increase the risk of leukaemia and related diseases. 

RadiationIonizing radiation is the term used for the kind of radiation given off by X-ray machines or by radioactive materials.High doses of radiation can definitely increase the risk of leukaemia and related diseases. This was shown by the atomic bomb survivors and by the experience of other people accidentally exposed to high levels of radiation.

Methods of Treatment

Cluster 1 : Row Split by 3

Cluster 2 (The Same Matrix, with more encoded words) Row Split by 3

Cluster 3 : Row Split by 6